Where is the Zone?

The Clean Air Zone, covers an area of the city centre inside the A4540 Middleway (but not the Middleway itself). It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

You can use the postcode checker below to determine whether or not your destination is in the zone. The postcode checker should only be used as a guide on the basis that some postcodes may cover the boundary of the zone.

The Clean Air Zone polygon can be downloaded from the open data website.


The area covered by the Clean Air Zone is clearly signposted with road signs showing where it applies. There are no barriers or toll booths.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras read the registration plates of vehicles driven in the zone and these are checked against a vehicle database to confirm whether or not they meet the emission standards of the Clean Air Zone. The Clean Air Zone and the collection and usage of personal data is covered under our privacy statement.

Advance information signs appear on major roads ahead of the boundary of the zone.

Advance information signs appear on major roads ahead of the boundary of the zone.

Signage over bridge showing entry to zone

The boundary of the zone is marked by signs that confirm that a charge applies and that ANPR cameras are in operation.

Signage showing exiting zone

As you exit the zone there are additional signs on the boundary.