Charges and operation
How much is the daily fee?
The daily fee for vehicles that do not meet the emission standard of the Clean Air zone is:
- £8 per day for cars, taxis and vans (LGVs), or
- £50 per day for coaches, buses and HGVs
A chargeable day is from midnight to midnight and you only need to pay once for each day you drive in the zone.
If you enter the zone before midnight and then leave after midnight you will need to pay for two days of travel.
How long do I have to pay the daily fee?
If your vehicle is subject to the daily fee you can pay:
- six days in advance of the day of your visit
- the day of your visit
- six days after the day of your visit
You can pay the daily fee online:
Redeem a medical centre voucher
If you have been issued with a medical voucher following an eligible visit, you should not pay the charge. Redeem your medical voucher within 6 days following the date of your visit. You will need a new voucher for each visit.
Business user account
If you own or operate more than one vehicle you can create a business user account at GOV.UK to help you check the compliance of multiple vehicles, assign account managers and set up an agreement to pay by bank account. You are still required to pay for journeys within the payment window.
Pay the daily fee by phone
To contact the central Clean Air Zone support team, which is operated by the DVLA, call:
0300 029 8888
Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm
Saturday, 8am to 2pm
If you do not pay the daily fee for the day of travel you may be issued with a penalty charge notice.