Re-investing revenues raised from the Clean Air Zone

The objective of the Clean Air Zone is to improve air quality in order to improve the health of the people who live and work in Birmingham. It is not intended that the scheme should generate substantial surplus revenues. However, in the event that surplus revenues are generated they should be used to directly, or indirectly, support relevant local transport policies in line with the following high level objectives:

  • support the delivery of the ambitions of the Clean Air Zone and promoting cleaner air
  • support active travel and incentivise public transport use;
  • support zero emission and sustainable infrastructure and actions in and around the city to improve air quality.

Specific projects which have already been allocated revenues from the scheme, include:

  • funding for a pilot of hydrogen buses
  • city centre pedestrianisation and public realm improvements
  • upgrade of University Rail Station
  • delivery of the new Camp Hill Rail Stations
  • delivery of Cross City bus projects
  • creation of a Clean Air Fund
  • expansion of the Car Free School Streets programme
  • expansion of the inner Birmingham 20mph zone
  • develop the next phase of the Birmingham Cycle Revolution
  • provision of bikes to citizens across the city
  • expansion of the air quality monitoring project in Birmingham’s schools

You can read more about the schemes which have been identified for investment in the Birmingham Clean Air Zone Charging Order.