
The air we breathe impacts the health of all of us. Unfortunately, the air we breathe is not as clean as it should be. There are many sources of air pollution such as exhaust emissions from vehicles which are harmful to our health.

To help improve air quality we all need to work together to become less polluting. Schools can be an agent for change; this page provides a summary of the actions and resources available to schools.

There are two main pollutants of concern:

  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – a gas caused mostly by road traffic
  • Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) - PM10 (very small) and PM2.5 (extremely small) particles that are generated from numerous sources

Further information on the Birmingham Air Quality Network is available to view online.

More information on the impacts on health can be found on the government website.

The actions that Birmingham is taking to improve air quality can be found in the Clean Air Strategy.