Financial incentives privacy notice


Privacy Notice – Clean Air Zone – Incentive Schemes


  1. Overview
  2. Our details
  3. Purposes of processing
  4. Lawfulness of processing
  5. Data we may collect
  6. Retention
  7. Security
  8. Information sharing
  9. Your rights
  10. Amendments
  11. Complaints


Birmingham City Council (the ‘council’/’we’/’us’) use the [‘Brum Breathes’ portal] to process applications to take advantage of the incentive schemes offered as part of the introduction of the Birmingham Clean Air Zone (‘CAZ’) . As part of the application process, personal data is collected, processed and stored on behalf of the council. Council employees process the data collected whilst determining the application and this data is stored on secure computers.

This privacy notice explains what information is collected and how it is used. Our core obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and other general commitments regarding data protection are set out in the council’s privacy statement.


Our Details

The council is registered as a ‘data controller’ for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the ‘GDPR’) with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ‘ICO’). Our registration details are:

Birmingham City Council
Council House
Victoria Square
B1 1BB

Registration No: Z4594350.

If you have any questions about our data protection policy, or the data we hold on you, or if you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please contact the council's Data Protection Officer at the following address:

Corporate Information Management Team
PO Box 16366
Birmingham B2 2YY


Purposes of processing

Personal data is collected and processed to enable Birmingham City Council to manage and assess applications to the incentive schemes in order to defray the grant funding it has been awarded to mitigate the impact on some individuals and businesses who will be negatively impacted by the introduction of the Clean Air Zone. This data will also be used for the purpose of issuing satisfaction surveys in order to determine the level of service being provided and identifying how we may improve the schemes and their operation for future users.

Your personal data is processed by the council under Part 2 (‘General processing’) of the Data Protection Act 2018 (the ‘DPA 2018’, the ‘Act’).


Lawfulness of processing

The council has lawful bases for processing data for the above purposes.

The processing for the purposes of managing and assessing applications for the incentive schemes is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller, as provided for in GDPR Article 6(1)( e), namely the defrayal of grant funding it has been awarded to mitigate the impact on some individuals and businesses who will be negatively impacted by the introduction of the Clean Air Zone.

The processing for the purpose of issuing the satisfaction surveys is based on the legitimate interests of the council (under Article 6(1)(f)), namely monitoring the level of service provided by the council and identifying potential ways in which this may be improved for future users. You have a right to object to such processing based on legitimate interests.

The provision of your personal data in your application is necessary to enable us to determine your application. If you fail to provide this data the council will not be able to process your application.


Data we may collect

The information collected may include the following.

For CAZ Taxi and CAZ Private Hire Vehicle Incentive Applications

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your date of birth
  • ID verification (e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate)
  • Your driving licence information and other information that may be included on your driving licence
  • Your passport information and other information that may be included in your passport
  • Your vehicle’s details including the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM)
  • Proof of vehicle ownership or registered keeper status including the Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C)
  • Proof of your vehicle being licensed by the Birmingham City Council Licensing Team including your vehicle’s licence
  • Proof of your being licensed with the Birmingham City Council Licensing Team including your operator’s licence.
  • Evidence of a retrofit solution having been arranged or installed including the vehicle’s details
  • Evidence of operational expenditure incurred through vehicle use including but not limited to:
    • Receipts for maintenance or electric charging expenses including the vehicle’s details
    • Insurance agreements including the vehicle’s details.
  • Evidence of vehicle purchase or leasing costs including but not limited to:
    • Receipts for the purchase of a vehicle including the vehicle’s details
    • Lease agreements including the vehicle’s details

For the Vehicle Scrappage Scheme:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your date of birth
  • ID verification (e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate)
  • Vehicle Registration Document (V5C) details
  • Authorisation letter from company (if relevant)
  • Proof of earnings
  • Proof of workplace/employment status

For the Mobility Credit Scheme:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your date of birth
  • ID verification (e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate)
  • Vehicle Registration Document (V5C) details

For Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) Fund Applications

Data we may collect

  • The information collected may include the following.
  • Business Name
  • Company Registration Number
  • VAT Number
  • Business Sector
  • Date company began trading
  • SIC Code
  • Number of part time staff/full-time staff
  • Applicant contact details
  • Details of your preferred supplier
  • Amount of aid received from public sources in this and the two previous financial years



Personal data will not be retained any longer than necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was obtained, and in accordance with our data retention schedule:

  • we will retain successful applicant data on the council’s system for 6 years plus current, otherwise known as 6 years + 1. This is 6 years after the last entry in a record followed by first review or destruction to be carried out in the additional current (+ 1) accounting year.;
  • we will retain unsuccessful applicant data on the council’s system for 6 years plus current, otherwise known as 6 years + 1. This is 6 years after the last entry in a record or from the conclusion of any appeal (if any) followed by first review or destruction to be carried out in the additional current (+ 1) accounting year



Your information will be stored electronically on servers based in the UK and on paper records. These can only be accessed by authorised council and provider staff. It will not be transferred outside the UK.


Information Sharing

We may share your information with:

  • The council’s Clean Air Zone and Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) Licensing teams for the purpose of administering and of the CAZ Incentive Schemes and delivery process;
  • The provider to which we grant the concession for arranging scrappage of vehicles and the purchase of CAZ-compliant vehicles (our ‘Scrappage Partner’);
  • The council’s and our Scrappage Partner’s ICT providers for the purpose of administering and maintaining the scrappage scheme applications and delivery process;
  • Transport for West Midlands, which is part of the West Midlands Combined Authority, for administering the Mobility Credit scheme and also to ensure multiple grant applications are not made for other incentive schemes the West Midlands Combined Authority are administering;
  • Any Approved Supplier in relation to administering the CAZ Taxi or CAZ PHV Incentive grant funding;
  • Enforcement officers in order to investigate and process any breaches of any CAZ Incentive application and delivery process;
  • Any person with a need to access your data relating to or responding to a complaint;
  • Where court action is deemed appropriate, data will also be shared with the courts and legal representatives;
  • With the police where evidence of a possible crime has been identified;
  • The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman;
  • Third parties involved in any appeal process.
  • The council’s Clean Air Zone, Finance and Business Development and Innovation teams for the purpose of administering the Heavy Duty Vehicle Fund applications and delivery process;
  • Third parties involved in the approval process;
  • Enforcement officers in order to investigate and process any breaches of the Heavy Duty Vehicle Fund application and delivery process;
  • Our funding providers;


Your rights

You have certain rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you.

You can exercise your rights by writing to us.



We will continually review and update our privacy notices to reflect changes in our services, as well as to comply with changes in the law.

This privacy notice was last updated on 5 May 2021.



Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that we have not addressed your concerns in a satisfactory manner, please use the details on our corporate privacy notice. You may also complain to the ICO.