Commercial vehicle grant

On 1 June 2021, to meet the Government’s requirements, Birmingham introduced a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) within the A4540 Middleway ring road (not the Middleway itself).

Vehicles that do not meet nationally set emissions standards will be charged to enter this area.

For heavy duty vehicles (HDV), which means vehicles with the classifications N2, N3 or M3, and for light goods vehicles (LGV), with the classification of N1, the minimum required to be CAZ compliant is Euro VI for diesel engines and Euro IV for petrol engines.

To help small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with HDVs, coaches and/or LGVs upgrade their fleet to meet Birmingham's Clean Air Zone emission standards, we have secured a £10.05million commercial grant.

Eligible businesses must be able to evidence that they:

  • are based within the Clean Air Zone, wider Birmingham or West Midlands area, and
  • are conducting commercial operations within the Clean Air Zone

The commercial vehicle grant will be administered in accordance with the subsidy control regime.

The total grant package for each applicant is up to £180,000.

For heavy duty vehicles (HDV) - N2, N3, and M3, the grant will be up to a maximum of £15,000 per vehicle towards purchase, lease or retrofit solution.

For light goods vehicles (LGV) - N1, the grant will be up to 35% of the cost of the upgrade up to a maximum grant amount of £4,000 per vehicle towards purchase, lease or retrofit solution.

For further guidance on the eligibility criteria for each grant and how to apply, read the commercial vehicle grant - outline criteria:

Download outline criteria

How to apply

You will need to apply online.

If you do not have a Brum account, you will need to create one to apply for a grant:

Create an account

If you already have a Brum account, you will need to sign in to your account to apply:

Sign in to your account

When you you have signed in to your account, you will be able to apply for a grant:

Apply for the HDV grant

Apply for the LGV grant

Page last updated: 4 July 2023