Clean Air Zone Enforcement

Birmingham's Clean Air Zone went live on 1 June 2021. Owners of vehicles that do not meet the emission standards and do not have an exemption will be subject to a daily charge from 14 June 2021.

The charge is of £8 per day for cars, vans and taxis or £50 a day for coaches, buses and HGVs.

We enforce Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone using ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) which record the registration plate of vehicles travelling within the A4540 Middleway (but not the Middleway itself).

Advance warning signs have been installed on key routes to inform drivers of the approach to the Clean Air Zone. Additional advance warning signs have also been installed at key locations around the Middleway to provide further warning of the Clean Air Zone. Regulatory signs will inform the driver of the entry and exit points of the Clean Air Zones. All the signs carry advice that charges may apply.

There are 67 cameras within the zone. Details of where these are can be found in the ANPR camera directory.

If a vehicle which does not meet the emission standards is caught on camera driving in the Clean Air Zone, and does not make Payment by 11:59pm on the sixth day after the date the vehicle was used in the zone, a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle. This will contain details of the alleged contravention together with the details and photographs of the vehicle. Each penalty charge will be £120, reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days.

Details of how to pay the Penalty Charge Notice are available on the Birmingham City Council website. If you believe you have been incorrectly issued a Penalty Charge Notice you can make a representation within 28 days of being served with the Penalty Charge Notice, instructions on how to make representations are on the PCN.

Read about the Guidelines for the consideration of representations and cancellation of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for being in a Clean Air Zone (CAZ).